- Brunelleschi, Filippo
- [brune'lɛski]
худ.Брунелле́ски, Филиппо
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der kunst. 2013.
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der kunst. 2013.
Brunelleschi, Filippo — born 1377, Florence [Italy] died April 15, 1446, Florence Florentine architect and engineer. Trained as a sculptor and goldsmith, he turned his attention to architecture after failing to win a competition for the bronze doors of the Baptistery of … Universalium
BRUNELLESCHI, Filippo — (c. 1377 1446) Filippo Brunelleschi, traditionally considered the founder of early Renaissance architecture in Italy, trained as a goldsmith in Florence and gained an understanding of architecture while studying classical buildings in Rome.… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Brunelleschi, Filippo — (1377 1446) Considered the pioneer of Early Renaissance architecture. The son of a Florentine notary and diplomat, Brunelleschi received a humanistic education. He was trained as a goldsmith, and turned to architecture after losing to Lorenzo… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Brunelleschi, Filippo — (1377 1446) Florentine artist, initially active as a sculptor but known principally as the creator of the early Italian Renaissance architectural style. According to a story told by two later Renaissance authors, after he was defeated by… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Brunelleschi, Filippo — ► (1377 1446) Arquitecto, escultor y pintor italiano. Iniciador y creador de la arquitectura renacentista. Inició su actividad artística cultivando la escultura: relieve en bronce del sacrificio de Abraham. Destacó en arquitectura. Autor de la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Brunelleschi,Filippo — Bru·nel·le·schi (bro͞o nə lĕsʹkē), Filippo. 1377 1446. Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. * * * … Universalium
Brunelleschi, Filippo — (c. 1377–1446) Renaissance architect and sculptor … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Brunelleschi — Brunelleschi, Filippo … Enciclopedia Universal
Filippo Brunelleschi — Filippo Brunelleschi, zur Kuppel des Domes Santa Maria del Fiore hinaufblickend; Statue in Florenz Filippo Brunelleschi (* 1377 in Florenz; † 15. April 1446 ebenda) war einer der führenden italienischen Architekten und Bildhauer der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Filippo Brunelleschi — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Filippo Brunelleschi Escultura de Brunelleschi mirando Il Duomo de Florencia Nacimiento 1377 Florencia, (Italia) F … Wikipedia Español
Filippo — Filippo, Eduardo * * * (as used in expressions) Brunelleschi, Filippo Filippo Bruno Giulio di Pietro di Filippo de Gianuzzi Lippi, Fra Filippo Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (Emilio) … Enciclopedia Universal